Fish Amino Acid Fertilizer – How To Make It and Usage (Low Cost Liquid Fertilizer)

Fish Amino Acids the best liquid organic fertilizer


Fish amino acid fertilizer is an organic and sustainable alternative to chemical fertilizers that is made from fish waste. It contains essential nutrients and beneficial microorganisms that can improve soil health, plant growth, and crop yields. In this blog post, we will explore the process of making fish amino acid fertilizer and its advantages and disadvantages.

What is fish amino acid? 

Fish amino acid is a liquid organic fertilizer made from fish waste that contains essential nutrients for plant growth such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and micronutrients. The process of making fish amino acids involves breaking down the proteins in fish waste into amino acids through a process of fermentation. This process also creates beneficial microorganisms that can improve soil health and plant growth. Fish amino acid fertilizer is often used in organic farming and gardening as a natural alternative to chemical fertilizers. It can be used to nourish a variety of plants including vegetables, fruits, flowers, and trees.

Fish amino acids are a liquid organic fertilizer that can be made from fish waste and organic jaggrey powder. Here are the steps to make fish amino acids:  


  • Fresh fish or fish waste (fish heads, bones, and entrails) 
  • Water Molasses or brown sugar (organic jaggrey powder)
  • Measuring cups and spoons Large container with lid (preferably made of plastic or stainless steel) 
  • Cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer Spray bottle (optional) 


  1. Collect the fish waste. You can use fresh fish or fish waste such as heads, bones, and entrails. Make sure the fish is fresh and not spoiled. Avoid using oily fish like salmon because they tend to create a strong odor.  
  2. Chop the fish waste into small pieces using a sharp knife or a food processor.  
  3. Measure the weight of the fish waste. You will need to add an equal amount of organic jaggrey powder to the container, so note down the weight of the fish waste.  
  4. In the large container, mix the fish waste with an equal amount of organic jaggrey powder. For example, if you have 1 kg of fish waste, add 1kg of organic jaggrey powder.  
  5. Add 1kg of molasses or brown sugar (organic jaggrey powder) per liter of water to the container. The molasses or brown sugar provides a food source for the beneficial microorganisms that will help break down the fish waste.  
  6. Stir the mixture well to dissolve the sugar.  
  7. Cover the container with a lid, but leave it slightly ajar to allow air to circulate. Place the container in a warm and dark place, away from direct sunlight.  Stir the mixture every day for 2 weeks. This will help the beneficial microorganisms to grow and break down the fish waste.  
  8. After 21days, strain the liquid through a cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer to remove the solid particles.  
  9. Transfer the liquid to a clean container and store it in a cool and dark place. The fish amino acid fertilizer is now ready to use.  

My Fish Amino Acid preparion in video format:

How to use Fish amino acids in plants 

Fish amino acid fertilizer can be used in various ways to nourish plants and improve their growth and health. 

Here are some ways to use fish amino acids in plants:  

  1. Foliar spray: Dilute the fish amino acid fertilizer with water in a 1:1 ratio and spray it onto the leaves of the plants using a spray bottle. This can help to improve plant growth, increase nutrient uptake, and enhance resistance to pests and diseases. Foliar spray is most effective when done early in the morning or late in the evening when the weather is cooler and the plants can absorb the nutrients more easily.  
  2. Soil drench: Mix the fish amino acid fertilizer with water in a 1:20 ratio (1 part fish amino acid to 20 parts water) and water the plants with the solution. This can help to enrich the soil with essential nutrients, improve soil structure and water retention, and stimulate the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the soil.  

  3. Seed soak: Soak the seeds in a solution of fish amino acid and water (1:50 ratio) for 1-2 hours before planting. This can help to improve seed germination and seedling growth.

  4. Compost activator: Add fish amino acid fertilizer to the compost pile to accelerate the decomposition process and enrich the compost with essential nutrients.  It's important to note that fish amino acid fertilizer is a concentrated solution and should be used in moderation to avoid over-fertilization, which can harm the plants. Start with a small amount and observe how the plants respond before increasing the frequency or concentration of application.

Note: It's important to use gloves and avoid touching your face while handling fish waste to prevent the risk of contamination.

Advantages of using fish amino acid fertilizer:  

Organic and sustainable: Fish amino acid fertilizer is an organic and sustainable alternative to chemical fertilizers, which can harm the environment and reduce soil health over time.  

Rich in nutrients: Fish amino acid fertilizer is rich in essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and micronutrients, which are essential for plant growth and development. 

 Improves soil health: Fish amino acid fertilizer contains beneficial microorganisms that can improve soil health, structure, and water retention, and promote the growth of healthy roots.  

Enhances plant growth and health: Fish amino acid fertilizer can enhance plant growth, increase nutrient uptake, and improve resistance to pests and diseases.  

Easy to make: Fish amino acid fertilizer can be easily made at home using fish waste and water, which can help reduce waste and save money.

Disadvantages of using fish amino acid fertilizer:  

Strong odor: Fish amino acid fertilizer has a strong fishy odor, which can be unpleasant to some people and attract pests and rodents.  

Risk of contamination: Fish amino acid fertilizer is made from fish waste, which can carry bacteria and pathogens that can pose a risk of contamination to plants, soil, and humans. It's important to handle fish waste with care and follow proper hygiene practices.  

Limited availability: Fish amino acid fertilizer may not be widely available in some areas, which can make it difficult to use on a larger scale.  

Slow release of nutrients: Fish amino acid fertilizer releases nutrients slowly over time, which may not be suitable for plants that require immediate and fast-acting fertilization.  

Overall, fish amino acid fertilizer can be a valuable addition to organic farming and gardening practices, but it's important to use it in moderation and follow proper handling and application guidelines to ensure safety and effectiveness.


Fish amino acid fertilizer can be a valuable addition to organic farming and gardening practices. It is rich in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms that can improve soil health, plant growth, and crop yields. However, it's important to handle fish waste with care and follow proper hygiene practices to avoid the risk of contamination. While fish amino acid fertilizer may not be suitable for all plants or widely available in some areas, it can provide a sustainable and eco-friendly way to nourish plants and promote healthy soil. By incorporating fish amino acid fertilizer into your gardening practices, you can promote healthier and more productive plants while minimizing your impact on the environment.

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